« The academic credits endorsed by Educollege serve as evidence of the reliability of our education department's educational system and the quality of our study programs. This demonstrates that our students have successfully completed the established academic requirements and have acquired the necessary knowledge and skills in their respective disciplines. Our educational approach is based on rigorous standards, highly qualified professors, and innovative methodologies that foster meaningful learning and the comprehensive development of each student. We are committed to providing a quality education that prepares our graduates to face professional and personal challenges in today's world. The academic credits endorsed by Educollege are recognized and valued both nationally and internationally, giving our students a competitive advantage in the job market »
The standard credit system used in the United States is 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 credits per course. Educollege awards an average of 2 to 3 credits per course completed in phases 1 and 2 (credits granted for work experience vary depending on the level of study). Once the student enters phase 3 and begins the thesis, the number of credits will be specified in the table below.
It is important to note that each academic institution worldwide has its own internal statutes, and in many cases, they must comply with the laws of the country where they are established. If the concept of "credit transfer" to another institution is the primary goal of your studies at Educollege, you should verify this before starting the program of your interest. Different academic institutions evaluate credit transfers based on their own criteria. Some institutions are flexible in accepting credits from others, while others are more restrictive.
Educollege accepts studies completed in different academic institutions around the world, provided they meet each country's accreditation standards. Additionally, Educollege recognizes the academic and work experience that students have in their chosen program. The Academic Department will analyze and evaluate various certificates and based on their criteria, will award academic credits to the student.

The total credits required to complete a Diploma program are 24.
The program consists of 8 mandatory development courses, with each course awarding 3 credits, as established by the university.
Educollege provides students with the choice of additional courses based on the Academic Advisor's criteria.
Bachelor's Degree
The total credits required to complete a Bachelor's Degree program are 120.
Educollege will grant a maximum of 24 credits through the validation of credits from other institutions, work experience, and life experience in the field of the student's profession.
In Phase 1 of the program, Educollege has 5 mandatory development courses, each granting 3 credits, as established by the university.
Students have the option to choose from 15 to 25 courses based on the Academic Advisor's criteria.
Master's Degree
The total credits required to complete a Master's Degree program are 82.
Educollege will grant a maximum of 15 credits through the validation of credits from other institutions, work experience, and life experience in the field of the student's profession.
In Phase 1 of the program, Educollege has 5 mandatory development courses, each granting 3 credits, as established by the university.
Students have the option to choose from 10 to 20 courses based on the Academic Advisor's criteria.
Total credits awarded by Educollege:
15 mandatory credits
Up to 15 validation credits
30 credits awarded +
42 credits for study (average of 17 courses)
10 credits for thesis
82 total credits for the Master's Degree
Doctorate | Postdoctorate
The total credits required to complete a Doctorate or Postdoctorate program are 60.
Educollege will grant a maximum of 9 credits through the validation of credits from other institutions, work experience, and life experience in the field of the student's profession.
In Phase 1 of the program, Educollege has 5 mandatory development courses, each granting 3 credits, as established by the university.
Students have the option to choose from 8 to 15 courses based on the Academic Advisor's criteria.
Total credits awarded by Educollege:
15 mandatory credits
Up to 9 validation credits
24 credits awarded +
24 credits for study (average of 17 courses)
12 credits for the thesis
60 total credits for the Doctorate PhD

All our services are based on a validated credit system, allowing us to ensure quality and transparency in each of them. Additionally, all our study documentation is officially backed and curriculum-based, ensuring that our study plans meet the required academic and professional standards. With this support, our students can be confident that they will receive comprehensive and recognized training, opening doors in the professional arena. Our commitment is to provide our students with the necessary tools to reach their goals and become successful professionals. We spare no effort or resources to offer them the best possible educational experience.
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